440-992-2336 | PO Box 131 Ashtabula, OH 44005 | info@civicdevelopmentcorp.org

Maria Hanson (14) and Natalie Wood (13) are talented teens currently attending Conneaut Middle School. The young actresses have been involved with the historic Conneaut Arts Center for most of their lives; they are no strangers to the stage. Maria has had roles in many plays, attended jazz and tap lessons and participated in art camp in the summer when she was younger, while Natalie started with tap and jazz classes at the center when she was six years old and has now participated in nearly 10 plays.  She also raved about the Art Camp they attended when they were younger. They have formed many friendships and memories at the Arts Center.

On stage, Maria and Natalie have worn heavily decorated costumes through all seasons.  The hot and heavy spot lights don’t shine nearly as bright as this pair, but can make it unbearable and uncomfortable to perform, especially during the warm summer months.  They reminisced on how wardrobe for plays like “There’s a Monster in the Closet” and “The Case of the Missing Ring” involved heavy costumes that covered their heads.  Imagine having a hood on in the summertime with spot lights on you; it could be insufferable.

Both Maria and Natalie have found relief with the new heating and cooling units installed in the main floor area, which includes the stage and gallery along with the second floor dance studio, courtesy of Civic Development Corporation. Natalie joked that before these CDC enhancements her family would come to watch her perform and ask for multiple programs to fan themselves.  “Before, I couldn’t catch my breath. The air conditioning makes me so much more comfortable.” 

Maria added that now “We have more flexibility with our costume selection and are able to focus on our performance more and not worry about being overheated. We can give our performances our all. It’s nice our family (as audience members) are more comfortable, too.”

In addition to the Art Center’s HVAC needs, CDC also replaced the accessibility ramp as part of the 2015 Placemaking grant. Now more family, friends and fans are able to enjoy performances and the gallery.

Please visit the charming Conneaut Arts Center to see Maria, Natalie and other their talented friends perform.  They are now working on their spring performance and promise- although they are still keeping the selection a secret- that it will be great.