440-992-2336 | PO Box 131 Ashtabula, OH 44005 | info@civicdevelopmentcorp.org

Conneaut Area students have a place to learn, relax and enjoy the company of friends at the Conneaut Human Resource Center.

The Right Track Program has been in place to improve the quality of life of students by offering teaching and enriching activities throughout the year. Right Track offers care and learning services after school that extends into the summer as well. By fostering a safe and familiar routine, officials say the students can get extra help they need on their school work — and grades and self-esteem are both on the rise.

Tammy Ledford, Right Track coordinator, said she loves the excitement she sees when looking at the students faces.

“Right Track has been amazing for the students. The children make friendships, learn and interact with other students and adults in a way they didn’t know was possible. They make friendships while getting to explore and learn in a fun, friendly and loving atmosphere.”

In the summer, the Right Track program transports students to educational spots like Children’s and Erie Maritime museums.

This program is operated with the assistance of many nonprofit partners in the community including Conneaut Area City Schools, Ohio Education Association, Conneaut Public Library, Conneaut Rotary many local churches and civic groups and United Way.

Money from the 2015 Placemaking Campaign of Civic Development Corporation helped defray classroom costs and assisted in making sure children’s needs are met.